The Benefits of Being Kind (To Yourself and To Others)
Long days at work. Bills to pay. Relationship challenges. Frequent stress and worry. Wishing you had more hours in a day. If these things sound familiar to you, welcome to the human experience!
Our modern lifestyles keep us rushing about at a hectic pace, trying to stay on top of everything we need to do, while trying to juggle between being a great employee, friend, partner, son, daughter, and the list goes on.
In the midst of our good intentions to try to excel at everything, we can sometimes miss the forest for the trees, and lose sight of what really matters. At the end of the day, the things that matter most are simple - spending time with people we love, taking the time to nourish our spirit through things that inspire us and spark our creativity, and taking care of our physical and mental health.
Yet how much time in our busy schedules do we really spend on these things on a daily basis? Let’s be honest. Probably not as much as we could be spending.
This October, as we celebrate World Mental Health Day (October 10), in the spirit of being kinder to ourselves and to those around us, we’ve put together a list of 5 reasons you should start being kinder today - as well as some practical ways you can put kindness into practice, starting right now!
Doing acts of kindness feels good!
Feeling blah, moody, or anxious, and not sure what you can do to keep your thoughts and rumination at bay?
According to research, evidence suggests that when we help others, it boosts serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters in the brain that are linked with happiness. As John Maxwell put it, “You can act your way into feeling long before you can feel your way into action. If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will likely never accomplish it.”
Put it into action: Start small! A simple act of kindness like texting a friend a short encouraging note or smiling at a stranger on the street can boost feelings of wellbeing and self-esteem. It only takes a few seconds to do, so why not challenge yourself to try this before the end of the day?
Helping others creates connection and reduces isolation
Doing things for each other is one of the ways we’ve survived as a species. We are wired to help each other and it’s one of the ways people create and strengthen their social ties.
Through activities like volunteering or being part of a spiritual / religious group, we can feel a sense of belonging, make new friends, and become more connected with our local communities.
Put it into action: Look up volunteer or community groups that you can join in your neighborhood, and commit to participating in at least one activity by the end of the month.
Kindness keeps things in perspective
When we help someone in need, it reminds us that we’re not the only person in the world facing challenges. We shouldn’t compare our problems to other people’s problems, but keeping things in perspective can help us realize that maybe our problems aren’t that big after all.
Shifting our focus from ourselves to others can also provide a much-needed mental reset to come back and look at the challenges you are facing with a fresh mind that can problem-solve in a more effective way.
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” ― Anne Lamott
Put it into action: Think about someone in your immediate circle who could use a helping hand, and what practical ways you might be able to offer them some assistance.
Being kind to yourself is good for your health (and wallet)
As you build your ability to be kind to yourself, you also are building your muscle of optimism. Just like your physical muscles, a positive mindset needs to be intentionally cultivated. Even if you tend to view yourself as a negative or anxious person, you can take small steps to care for yourself, imagining yourself as a parent to your own inner child. Bit by bit, that ability to self-care will lead to more optimism and positivity.
This in turn boosts your immune system and protects your mental health as well. You’ll be able to sleep better and withstand the ups and downs of life better. As you fall ill less and suffer less mental anguish, that also means less trips to the doctor and therapist, and more savings (which you can use to treat yourself!).
Put it into action: What is one small way you can be kind to yourself today? It could be a hot shower, a warm cup of tea, listening to some good music, carving out time for a 30-minute workout, or taking an unhurried 15 minute walk outside. Focus on what makes you feel good rather than stereotypical ideas of self-care. What works for one person might not work for you - so find and create your own definition of bliss and mini ‘escapes’ in your daily routine!
Kindness creates a positive feedback loop
When we are kind to ourselves, we’re more likely to be kinder and more thoughtful to others. When we’re kind to others, that in turn boosts feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism, leading us to continue this virtuous cycle of spreading kindness to ourselves and to others. And, the more accountability we have, the more likely we are to continue this positive feedback loop!
Put it into action: Is there one person in your life that you can tell about your intention to be kinder to yourself and others? Let that person know, and ask them to check in with you from time to time on how you’re doing to keep you accountable. According to bestselling author Gretchen Rubin, accountability is a powerful tool for developing new habits and breaking old ones.
Need more ideas on being kind?
Here’s some tips, curated just for you by our friendly team at URBN.
Join the URBN Burn 30-Day Fitness Program and be kind to your body.
You’ll get a 30-day program that you’ll be completing with a group of likeminded warriors who will hold you accountable and give you the motivation boost and encouragement you need to get started, and keep going.
Gift yourself, a neighbor, or a friend a delicious organic cookie from Bang Cookies.
Created in 2016 by owner Georrge, Bang Cookies claims to give you "the best cookie-gasm of your life". Now, if that isn't kindness (in the most sinfully delicious way!)...
Both of these are available within all buildings serviced by URBN Playground’s concierge team!
Now on the URBN App!
Feel the burn by booking your next workout, and then treat yourself to an indulgent cookie after that (you’ve earned it!), all through the URBN Playground app: